
Hayes Prayer Needs - 2 families
Administrator   2012-06-28 12:12:00 PM


(사역지는 일본, 현재는 안식년으로 미국에 들어와 있는 Hayes 선교사 가정의 편지입니다) 


Hi Praying Friends,


Could you lift up two families for us?

My friend texted me today and asked for our prayers:

"Just saw my father in law. He is still at the hospital and isn't looking good (they took him to the ER on Sunday morning). They are now trying to locate a Staph infection. His fever is coming back. Please continue to pray for him and especially for his salvation or assurance that he does already know the Lord."

Another friend shared some very painful family experiences over many years and as I was listening to his story, the enemy's grip seemed really tight over this family with all the anger, hate and unforgiveness among many family members. I think this friend is the only believer in the family. He struggles with forgiveness but wants to forgive. Please pray for -his will and his heart to align with God's will for him to forgive -for victory over the enemy's schemes against this family (Eph 6:12 - For we do not wrestle against flesh and blodd, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cospic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.) -that our friend would take up the whole armor of God, to stand firm in Christ (Eph 6:13 - Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.) -for every relationship within his family to experience God's powerful redemption

Thanks SO much.

Kyong A, for TJ & the kids=

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