
세네갈 - 빅토리안 선교사
Administrator   2012-02-28 12:12:00 PM


Dear Brother,

We are really greatful to God and  for this first round of the elections that went very well in a quiet atmosphere.

We thank you as well for the prayers you raised before the throne of God for peace in Senegal.

We believe it's God that controled the situations everywhere we did not have major problems during the elections.

People are still wating for the official results to be published by the hight court, for the moment many sources ( Radios, News papers, specialists agree that we will have a second round between Wade and Macky SALL. Yesterday President Wade talk on the TV and he said that he is ready for the second round and he belives in the final victory.

Normaly the second round will take two week after the official proclamtion of the first round.

In the baba-garage area  and Ziguinchor Wade won the elections there.

According to what I see and think WADE will not be able to win because many political parties are not ready to support him and the population want a change, but we are praying for the will of God to be done.

We will keep you informed when they publish the official results.

May God bless you for standing with us

Pastor Victorien NAKIGAN with  CAPRO ( Senegal)


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