
[안식년] Kyung A Hayes
Administrator   2011-11-11 12:12:00 AM


hi there,

kyong a here. it's close to 1 am and i thought i'd send out this super quick email asking for prayer for tomorrow morning.


i co-lead an upperclasswomen Bible study here at ASU with another staff woman on Tuesday nights.


well, there is a gal in the group who has experienced 2 severely devastating losses in her life this semester. she is in an incredible amount of pain.


she emailed Tuesday night before the study that she was done with God and that she wasn't going to be in the study anymore. my co-leader friend pursued her and she reluctantly came, but didn't engage, participate, or even sit with the group during the discussion.


please pray for them both as they will be meeting tomorrow morning at 9 am, PST. she asked me to pray and so here i am asking you to join us in God's pursuit of her.


i'm asking God to do something really powerful in her life and even through this meeting time.


i read lamentations this morning and i think she could have written parts of this book, with things so broken in her life.


thanks for praying...

kyong a

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