
[안식년] Thomas Hayes
Administrator   2011-11-10 12:12:00 AM




This evening I'll be continuing discussion with a group of 5 guys we met on campus a few weeks ago. Greg Jones, a fellow Nav staff, and I spent a Saturday afternoon in October striking up conversations with a few random groups of guys on campus. Two guys on a bench talked with us for over an hour about values, politics, science, morality and religion.

Then we switched benches to get in the shade, and as we talked another hour or more, a few more guys overheard us and jumped in. Amazingly, this loose grouping of guys wanted to continue talking, so Greg has been meeting them each Thursday evening since then. It is clear that God is working. None are believers. A few have some sort of Christian background, though from their perspective it was something they have "moved past." Greg has been explaining some of the basic teachings of the Bible and they have really responded. Last time, he showed them a diagram of the gospel and they said it made a lot of sense. He told me later that they were all looking over his shoulder as he wrote it out and they took turns reading the verses from his Bible. One asked, "why didn't I hear this in my church growing up?"


Please pray that God continues to open the hearts and minds of these young men to really consider Christ seriously for themselves. I'm excited to talk with them again tonight.



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