
세네갈 - 빅토리안/미리암 선교사
선교팀   2016-07-24 04:37:41 PM



Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,

We send you our warm greetings from Senegal and we really thank you for being precious instruments of the Lord for all what we have seen the Lord doing here through our ministry.

For these past three months we have many testimonies, in the family as well. Thanks you so much for praying and supporting us.


When we came back from the USA we found that the church was doing well and we were very glad to see the people we miss.

This May for the very first time of the history of the Rufisque church the Lord has blessed us as with 3 weddings’ the same days.

1.      Albino Boucal and Jeanette Kabou (  a Mankany couple that came to the Lord)

2.      Joseph Kofi and Angele Fanchime ( A couple from Benin Republic that has been in Senegal for more than 20 years with children

3.      Gerard Boubane and Jeannine Boubane ( A Bassary couple )


These 3 couples were blessed during the mother’s day and we invited many unbelievers’ friends and neighbors to church, a very good opportunity for them to hear the word of God.

We spent the day in the church yard after the service shear meal with them and the days was really great, God’s word was sown and we believed one day all this efforts will bear fruits.

The second thing we did was to attack the building project we started four year ago.

With the money we gathered 1 500 000 F we started the roof of the building in the church yard. A real challenge for us to see one day this building finished. We still have (windows, doors, tiles, the painting, to pay, but we are short of money. We are praying for God’s provision to finish the building.  We need more space for the Kids as their number is grooving in the church, and this building will be used for the Kids classes and the other side of the building for a couple to stay.

During the raining season we cannot have kid’s classes out.



After the visit of the medical team in Senegal a team from the Rufisque church went to Baba Garage for evangelism and we are praying that God will continue to reveal himself to the people of this locality.



The girls are now on vacation after 9 months of school, the Lord really helpt them all and they did very well.   

Sarah will start elementary school next year, she is growing big and we are grateful to God to see how they are growing spiritually as well.

This June my wife was able to travel to Guinee Bissau for a week to see her mother who celebrated her 70th birthday, on her back she stopped in Ziguinchor two days  the teen program she will be having in August.

For myself I traveled to Ziguinchor when my wife came back home for two week and I was able to have live radio program in Ziguinchor (from Rufisque I send recordings to the radio station) and I visited the Mankanya villages where we use to go for evangelism, at Kansahoudy we had meetings and sheared the word of God.

Jules FONSECA a fruit of this effort made at Kansahoudy, has started to go to church, we were at the Tilene Church during my stay and I introduced him to pastor Israel.

During my time in Ziguinchor we had heavy falls, and some people have started to clean their farms.


We will travelling August 4th to Ziguinchor for two weeks, and please pray for us as we will be travelling by road for a good trip and the success of the Kids program we will be having during our time in Ziguinchor.

1.      Please pray for this two new converts in Rufisque (Robert SILVA and Martine BOUBANE) as they are going through the discipleship classes, to grow spiritually and love God more and more.

2.      Please Pray for the final taxes we have to pay to secure the Rufisque Church Land (6 700 000 cfa / $ 11 .500 US) to the government.


With the church members we have been able to raised at this point 600.000 F cfa / $ 1034 US with the sacrificial giving of the church members. But we steel need $10 000 US to complete the taxes. 


“ I exhort therefore , that, first of all, supplications, prayers intercessions, and giving of thanks , be made for all men … who will have all men to  be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth ” 1 Timothy2: 1-4


Thank you so much for all your efforts and love May God bless you.


The NAKIGAN’S (Miriam, Naomi, Vanessa, Sarah and Victorien)


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