
Senegal - Victorien/Miriam
선교팀   2015-01-23 07:58:08 PM


"I did not know HOW and WHY I came to the church yard, it's not on my normal way and it's very far away from Where I live, I can only remember That I Was Drunk the first night I came here, but today I really believe that my coming here is not an accident. "
These words are from Mister KANE a 47 years old, bank executive in Kaolack who lost his job and became drunk. Married with three daughters, Alioune Kane saw his family fall apart, and to escape his problems, he found refuge in alcohol.
For eight long and painful years, Alioune tried unsuccessfully several ways to stop drinking, until the night he came drunk in the church yard while we were having a night vigil.
He sat under the tree in the middle of the courtyard of the Church and felt in a deep sleep.
It was only later that we realized his presence, and as I approached him, he opened his eyes and said to me: I'm hungry, give me to eat...
Fortunately that night we planned cakes, coffee and milk for the break:
I returned to the sisters of the Church and ask them to come and served him, he eated, this was our first encounter.
A month later, Alioune has taken a taste of life, he who thought that all was lost for him, that he has failed, to a point that he became homeless because of the frustration of life, no longer sleeping in the streets..
 As a family we have found a room for him that we pay monthly, the Lord has been at work in his life since then
The evangelistic efforts the church has multiplied are very encouraging, the Jesus film is projected in several neighborhoods of the city, and every service we have new visitors.
God has opened for us a new door of radio ministry for Ziguinchor. Twice a week I host a religious program in Mankagne (local language of the Southern Region).
Returns are very encouraging; many people have received copies of the Bible in Mankagne, portions of scriptures in SD cards to insert into their mobile phones.
At the Sunday school the children are growing spiritually, and some teens are very active in the group of praise & worship we bless the name of the Lord for that.
Two of them are preparing exams this year (July) to enter high school, and two other preparing the Bachelor this year to enter the University.
For years  we have been working to raise leaders in the church (elders and deacons)  Church, today we have by the grace of God completed this phase and we will be praying for them next Sunday, January 25.
At the family level we give thanks to God for the good health he has granted us, the children are doing well at school, Vanessa has started junior secondary school this year and the beginnings are very encouraging.
NAOMI is preparing BEFEM this year and SARAH is in here second year of kindergarten.
The financial challenges are enormous for their needs, but we believe that with our God nothing is impossible.
Please feel free to share these prayer requests with friends:
       Pray that God continues to release abundant grace through our lives to do the work.
       Pray that the new leaders in the church that the Lord will help them to meet expectations.
       Pray for God's provision for a vehicle , for our travels (at least 5 million CFA francs) for a used car.
       Pray for the success of students who are in the church.
We conclude with the prayer of this little child's Sunday school named SAMUEL which really touched us.
"My God, I do not see you, I can‘t not hear you, but I know, you're in me and I want to stay with you to make you happy. Teach me to become your friend AMEN... "

God bless you and fill you


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