
[안식년] TJ & Kyong A Hayes
Administrator   2011-08-28 09:13:00 AM


Hi Friends,
    Thanks for praying for our ministry. This month's update includes:
  • From Japan to Arizona
  • Back to School  x 2
  • Urgent Need for Financial Support
In Christ,
TJ & Kyong A Hayes

From Japan to Arizona
    Over the past year, God led us to conclude our service in Japan and to relocate to Phoenix, Arizona. Drop us an email if you’d like more details of that process. In March, we left our home and many good friends in Utsunomiya, Japan. Please pray for our kids as they have experienced a lot of change and loss in a short period of time: friends, school, language, foods, culture, and home. 

saying goobye

    Living through the major earthquake in March was frightening, but in countless ways, God’s protection covered us. I (Kyong A) am so thankful for His great care. I learned a major life lesson about fear while experiencing the aftershocks, which were more stressful for me than the initial quake. Through Psalm 86 and 121, God taught me that whether His will includes suffering or safety, I never leave His loyal love because I am in His Beloved. The fear left me even though the aftershocks continued to wake us from sleep.
    Would you pray for the many who continue to be deeply impacted by damage from the tsunami and nuclear radiation? Please pray for the ongoing recovery efforts. So many still live in temporary shelters and are grieving the death of loved ones. Pray that the ministry of the gospel among the Japanese would powerfully transform these sweet people who are now suffering greatly.

Back to School  x 2 =  College Ministry + Seminary

    We've been in a reassignment process since our return, researching options and seeking the Lord's will for our next step in ministry. This month, we were invited to join the Arizona State University Navigator staff team! So, it’s back to school for us! There are 60,000 students here at ASU. Our heart is for these students to be reconciled to God. Imagine young people having meaningful relationships with Him and influencing their community! Please pray for God’s wisdom as we seek to disciple some of these students to know and love Jesus Christ, especially as so many come from broken family backgrounds. And please also pray for the unity of our staff team: for healthy relationships, mutual love and respect.

    Throughout my (TJ) life, I’ve had a love for the Scriptures and a desire to equip and motivate believers in the Word. Last year, Kyong A and I sensed God leading me to pursue seminary for further biblical training. I started classes part-time at Phoenix Seminary this week. I am especially thrilled to learn Hebrew! God even provided a sitter so Kyong A and I can take this class together! Since our ministry funds don't help with seminary, we've been praying about how we can afford it. God answered by providing a scholarship that covers my first year of classes!!

Urgent Need for Financial Support
    Our move from Japan proved to be more expensive than we anticipated. Also, throughout this past year, several supporters have redirected their giving. 

    In order to stay on campus reaching ASU’s young adults for Christ, we need to raise an additional:
  •     $6,000 one time 
  •     $1,100 per month
If you would like to support our ministry, you can give online here. You can also give by check, payable to "The Navigators" with "Account 168773" in the memo line. The address is below. Thank you!

With you in Christ,
    TJ & Kyong A

TJ & Kyong A Hayes    -    Serving with The Navigators in Gilbert, Arizona    -    301 N Sandstone St, Gilbert AZ 85234    -    480-632-2105

Address for financial support: The Navigators, Attn: Income Accounting, PO Box 6000, Colorado Springs CO 80934

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TJ & Kyong A Hayes - Ministering with The Navigators
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