
인도네시아 - 한 ㅈㄴㄷ/ㅇㅅㄷ 선교사
선교팀   2014-02-27 11:14:44 AM

Hahn Family Newsletter - February 2014

Dear friends,
    Thank you for faithfully praying with us.  We would like to share some of the recent answered prayers.  First, we have obtained our sought after long-term visa early this month.  We are thankful for this visa because it allows us to do what we are sent here to do.  Second, our girls have started attending a local Christian international school this week.  Monday was their first day of classes.  We thought we had to wait until August 2014 to enroll our girls, but due sudden change to the school admission policy, we had to put them into school in the middle of current semester.  They are working hard to catch up and follow the rigid school schedule and rules. Please lift up them in your prayers so that they will continue to grow in spirit and wisdom.

    Jakarta is in the middle of monsoon season and as result we are often experiencing heavy rain and flood.  Just this week so far in our neighborhood, we had three floods.  These floods cause disruption to daily activities because streets in the neighborhood get submerged under water and vehicles cannot travel on them.  Flood also causes power loss.  Floods in other areas are more severe – submerging homes in a town under water. This type of flood is wide spread in Jakarta, and our Jakarta Urban Team has been using this natural disaster as a reason to enter the communities to help out and to share the good news.  The team has distributed care packages consisting of rice, sugar, cooking oil, noodles and tea to over 800 families in the hard hit areas.  It is expected that monsoon will continue until the end of March.  Please pray that seeds that Jakarta Urban Team has sowed during this monsoon season will bear much fruit for Father’s Kingdom.  Above is a photo of our Jakarta Urban Team in action.

    This week we studied John 15:1-17 during our family worship time.  Lord Jesus said in verse 5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  We were reminded that our effectiveness has nothing to do with our ability or skill but has everything to do with abiding in Christ.  Please pray that we do not place our focus on the result of the work but rather on abiding in Christ daily.  Pray also for our health.  Pray for my wife as she continues to struggle with severe dry eye symptom and abdominal pain and discomfort.  Pray for my continued recovery from broken leg.




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