
인도네시아 - 한ㅈㄴㄷ/ㅇㅅㄷ 선교사
선교팀   2014-01-17 04:29:50 PM

Hahn Family Newsletter - January 2014

Dear friends,

I hope your new year is off to a great start.  We thank you so much for your prayer support through out 2013, and we covet your prayers in 2014.  We faced many challenges and trying times in 2013 but we were able to overcome many of them because you were praying with us during those times.  We felt Father’s hand guiding us through them.  One of the more challenging times was when Jonathan broke his femur in a motorcycle accident at the end of 2012.  After the surgery, Jonathan lost a lot of his mobility and could not do as much as he wanted, but we experienced Father’s faithfulness and grace that sustained us during that time.

A significant change in our life occurred in 2013 as well.  We moved to Jakarta in October 2013 and joined the Jakarta Urban Team.  After our assigned house in Jakarta was repaired, we moved into the house on Christmas Eve.  We have been unpacking and organizing our belongings since then.  One of the new experiences we had in this new house was flood caused by heavy rain.  In the short time we have been in the house, we’ve had two floods.  Fortunately, water did not enter our house but the streets around our house and some other houses on lower ground were inundated with water more than two feet deep.  Above photo shows one of our neighbors using an inflatable boat to ferry family members in and out of the house during the recent flood and the children who were playing in the water following the boat.

Since we came to Jakarta, Jonathan has been attending the weekly team meetings in order to understand and integrate into the team strategy.  The Greater Jakarta (in and around Jakarta) has a population of over 28 million people.  We are still learning our way around the city.  Recently we have found a local Baptist church that we can attend.  As we get to know the church members and build relationships, we hope to work with the church in the area of evangelism and discipleship.

One of the benefits of being in Jakarta is the availability of schooling options for our girls, Elizabeth and Eunice.  We have applied for admission at a nearby Christian school few days ago and we are waiting for the school’s decision.  If accepted, Elizabeth and Eunice will undergo entrance exams and then attend the school starting in August 2014.  Elizabeth and Eunice are excited about the prospect of attending the school with some of their close friends.  In the mean time, they are continuing their home school under Esther’s supervision.

Last week we received an update that our long-term visa is almost ready and we should be able to obtain it, soon.  We have been on temporary and tourist visas for the past year and a half, and we have been praying for a long-term visa.  We thank the Father has answered our prayers!

Please join us lifting up following to the Father:

1. One of the passages we shared during our family prayer time this week was Psalms 67. Verses 1-2 says, “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us -- so that your ways may be known on earth and your salvation among all nations.”  Pray that our life in Jakarta will bring honor to the Father and make Him known among our people group.

2. Pray for Esther’s health.  She continues to struggle with severe dry eye symptoms.

3. Pray for Jonathan as he adjusts to life and ministry in Jakarta. There is much to be learned for him.  Pray for patience and humility for Jonathan in this process.  Also pray for complete healing from broken leg.


Hahn family


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