
인도네시아 - 한ㅈㄴㄷ/ㅇㅅㄷ선교사
선교팀   2013-10-18 09:28:05 PM
Update from the H family
Dear friends,
PTL!  We have found a house in Jakarta.  Thank you so much for your prayers.  One of the houses in Jakarta owned by our organization became available for us.  The house needs to be cleared out and needs some minor repairs.  The house will be prepared while we travel to Singapore for visa and medical treatments, and we should be able to move into the house in November after returning from Singapore.
We will be leaving for Singapore on October 21st and spend couple weeks there as J will undergo a surgery on October 24th.  The surgery will replace the metal plate on his fractured femur with an intramedullary rod.
Yesterday, J accompanied the Jakarta team to Borgor for EV training at a local church.  About 20 church members attended the all-day training event and had an opportunity to go out in pairs and share the gospel.  The Jakarta team plans to follow up in couple months and strengthen them.
Please pray for the following:
1.     Pray that Borgor church will remain faithful in EV and experience the saving power of the gospel as they continue to share the good news of Jesus Christ with many who have not heard it.
2.     Pray for our upcoming travel to Singapore. E will go and see an eye doctor and J will have a surgery.  Please pray the Lord will give the doctors wisdom to treat and care for us and that we will return with improved health.
3.     Praise the Lord for providing us the house we need in Jakarta.
H family 


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