
일본 - TJ Hayes/Kyong A (안식년,출산)
선교팀   2013-04-29 12:12:00 AM

Hi Praying Friends,

Today is April 29th and this day marks my 39th week of pregnancy. God has faithfully kept Nathaniel inside until our surgery date: Monday afternoon! Thanks be to God, my placenta previa resolved and for the past 2 weeks, I have been able to have some increased activity beyond bedrest. I started a blog and in my first post, I share "Lessons on Bedrest."
Today(4/29 Sat), I will have a c-section at 12:30pm (AZ time; 3:30pm EST). We finally get to meet this little guy who melts my heart everytime I see his ultrasound 3D pictures. They project he will be about 8 lbs. Boy, am I ready to not be pregnant!
We would love your prayers for us today!
  • We trust in God's great goodness, His power and His love to oversee the surgery for Nathaniel's birth.
  • We pray for the medical team involved in this big day to do God's perfect will and to be astounded at the glory of God.
  • We entrust the healing of Nathaniel's small intestine (constriction) to our Great Physician, for whom nothing is impossible.
  • We are asking God for Nathaniel to come home with me when I am discharged in a few days and to have no time in the NICU.
TJ's sister flys in on Tuesday to help us for a week with our other children and we are so very grateful.
Thanks so much for all your prayers for us and Nathaniel. What a privileged boy he is to have so many prayers lifted up on his behalf already--and he hasn't even been born yet!
Gratefully yours,
Kyong A

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