
일본 - TJ/경아 선교사
Administrator   2013-03-27 12:12:00 AM

Dear friends,

We need your prayers for exciting things happening with our students and for the health of our baby. 

For the Investigative Bible Discussions (from TJ)
During this past year, a core group of our ASU Navs students have been growing in their relationships with Jesus and in their desire to share the gospel with their friends. Over the next few weeks, several students are hoping to start Investigative Bible Discussions in the dorms and in their apartment complex. This is a really big deal -  it takes courage to knock on your neighbors' doors and ask if they want to read and discuss the Bible. We are so thankful to see students growing in their heart for unsaved fellow students and willing to identify themselves with Christ. As you think of them knocking on doors or actually reading John and discussing Jesus with others, please pray for courage, wisdom, faith, and for other things the Spirit brings to mind as you pray. God may even bring someone into the Kingdom through these Bible discussions.

Here are the names of a few students who will be involved, if you would like to pray by name: Rebecca, Anthony, Steven; Nicole, Stephen, April, Will; Joy, Erin, Paul, Logan; Scott, Sam.

For Our Baby (from Kyong A)
I've been on bedrest with Nathaniel (we've already named him!) since Christmas due to placenta previa. Yesterday we found out that the placenta has moved a bit to change the diagnosis to low lying placenta. Good news! The doc said that there is still a risk for bleeding, though, so I still need to limit my activity.
The doctor told us of another issue that is of great concern. From the ultrasound, it looks like Nathaniel has a significant constriction in the formation of his small intestine. This would explain why I was told I have much higher than normal amniotic fluid at my last ultrasound. If this diagnosis is confirmed at birth, he will need surgery since he will not be able to eat/digest properly. Unfortunately, one possible cause of this bowel problem is a systemic chromosomal abnormality. So, we left the doctor's office quite sober and told the kids a little about what is going on.
We were not expecting such news yesterday, and I was pretty weepy that afternoon after learning that Nathaniel has an increased risk for stillbirth, surgery and a systemic chromosomal abnormality. But then, God moved. He completely encouraged my spirit upon hearing that He answered a prayer request in a matter of a few hours. We had drafted this prayer update and hadn't even sent it out when God answered one of the requests quickly! Our OB doc didn't seem to want to transfer our care to the perinatologist, contrary to what we desired after hearing the news yesterday. We began to pray. When she returned our call, we learned that since our hospital did not have a neonatologist surgeon, she was counselled by the hospital neonatologist to transfer care to the perinatologist! God used this greatly to encourage my spirit in such a big way; He turned my mourning into joy and gladness. He restored hope to my spirit. I was reminded again from this that He is near, involved and moving on our behalf for His glory. Please join us in lifting up thanksgiving to GOD!!
TJ came home from his seminary class with Dr. Grudem last night and they talked about God's immutability, balanced with His responsiveness to people and their prayers. We really believe that Nathaniel's health is not set in stone. God can heal him! Please pray with us for these requests: 
Please pray...
1) for God to heal Nathaniel in utero. Pray that He would heal the constriction so that Nathaniel would not need surgery after birth.
2) for our OB to transfer our case to the specialist. ANSWERED already!!
3) for our trust in God and His goodness would be unwaivering while we wait for him to be born. 
We project the c-section delivery to be in the 39th week (last week of April).

Thank you for your prayers. With you in Christ,


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