
[감사편지] 한미장학 재단 장학금 수여자
Administrator   2013-10-10 08:59:00 PM

우리교회에서 한미장학재단에 기부한 장학금을 우리교회 이름 Shining Star Scholarship Fund 로

장학금을 받은 학생의 감사편지입니다.

Dear Pastor Lim and Shining Star Community Church,
Good afternoon!
My name is Yooran Anna Lee and I am one of the recipients of 2013 KASF scholarship.
I was informed that my scholarship was provided through the generous donation of your church, so I wanted to make sure that I express my gratitude.
I am currently pursuing Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education at the University of North Carolina Greensboro to fulfill the Lord's calling in my life to start a Christian music institution that provides high quality music education supported by biblical theology. It has definitely been an enjoyable but also challenging journey so far... so, thank you for encouraging and supporting me along the way of following God's will. This scholarship will definitely help me to have another fruitful year.
Again, thank you very much and I pray that the Lord will use you and your church in further advancing His kingdom.
Yooran Anna Lee


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